Sex. Lust. Love. Yeah, the title got you didnt it?
So many people are so hung up about sex and all the words that surround it. Everyone has this certain level of uncomfortable but taboo desire to talk about it, do it, watch it….
I think I must be strange, I don’t share this taboo. I find sexual expression and passion to be one of the most beautiful things in the human experience. Not just because of the biological aspect, but because it is a beautiful thing to want to express yourself in that way to another.
I don’t take sex lightly. I don’t take relationships lightly. I grew up in the casual sex era, where friends with benefits was the norm.
I never followed that example.
To be sharing one’s passion is something you do only with another you feel connected to, the person with whom you want to be completely honest, completely present.
Perhaps that is weird. Especially now in the era of Tinder and hookups that seem to be the norm. I wouldn’t know what is considered normal anymore, I chose to live my life outside that standard. I own my passion and sexuality and I am very selective on who gets my affections.
So you think I am a bitchy snob? Perhaps. I have no issue with that.
I own my sexuality and am extremely comfortable with it. I am not shy about it. But I don’t need to flaunt it either.
I love all things feminine and soft. I love being a woman. I love that my gender is one of soft strength, endless comfort, and devoted caring. I would not change that for anything.
I love the fact that I get to wear lacy things under my clothes, things that to me are sexy, and nobody is the wiser. Those thigh-high stockings I wear under my jeans, the bands barely visible against the denim.
And I certainly love knowing how to get a reaction from a man whom has earned my affections. A good woman knows how to gently and discreetly slide her hand across her man’s thigh and watch the show.
There is nothing that compares to that glitch in breathing, the widened eyes, the glance of both panic and excitement….. and bonus points if you can pull it off in a socially inappropriate place.
No need to go further, I made my presence felt in the most literal of senses.
Discretion is of course the key, do it right and only the two of you know anything has transpired.
Oh that is delicious.
I don’t need a man to feel sexy, I don’t need another to be complete. I am enough as I am, just as he should be enough as he is. Sex and pair bonding is about being with someone. Completely and totally in the moment.
Men see sex as an act, it does not need to have meaning. But women see it as entirely meaning without the need for the actual act. For a woman it is a game of seduction, the act is just the finish line of the longer game.
Biology has its own tricks. We all share it.
Regardless of biology, I think sex in itself is beautiful. Not something to be shamed or hidden. When two people want to be present in that moment, expressing themselves in the most truthful way, it is honest in a way that nothing else can compare.
So perhaps that is where I go wrong, I refuse to settle.
I refuse to compromise my belief that there must be something incredibly special about that other person.
I refuse to put my heart and soul up for sale to those who swipe right.
Perhaps I am a bit too old school in my thinking, defaulting to a belief of a bygone era.
Perhaps. Or perhaps I just hold myself to a high standard.